As part of our planning efforts, we are creating online versions of our community engagement activities that will be open to the public. We acknowledge that people may not be able to attend public meetings, and wanted to provide a space for those individuals to have their voice incorporated into the Gravois-Jefferson Plan. We will also be doing this outreach on-the-ground in order to ensure we are capturing as many voices as possible, including those who may not have access to the internet.


Working Meeting #3: Neighborhood

Hi! Thank you for your interest in participating in our online Working Meeting #3 Activities. We’re sorry you weren’t able to attend the third Working Meeting in person—and we still want your voice to be included in our process! The forms below give you the opportunity to participate in the activities that took place during the event. These include reviewing the data and progress presentation, analyzing maps pulled on key community-level information, and contributing your vision for what our neighborhoods will look like in the year 2030. As mentioned above, we will also be doing this outreach on-the-ground in order to ensure we are capturing as many voices as possible, including those who may not have access to the internet. If you have ideas for places to do outreach or people to talk to, feel free to contact us here. Thanks for your participation!

Neighborhood and Plan Progress Presentation

Click here to review the presentation we delivered during the meeting. The presentation begins with an update on the Gravois-Jefferson planning effort, including a background on neighborhood planning and key lessons we have learned through the process up to this point.

The presentation also includes a series of maps covering key community conditions, including demographics, vacancy, youth concentration, transit systems, and more. You can use these maps while participating in the activities for this meeting.

Our Community in 2030

Using this form, you will be asked to place yourself in the year 2030, imagining what our community looks like on residential, commercial, and corridor scales. For each scale, you will have space to answer the following questions:

  • What is the neighborhood aesthetic?
  • What kind of businesses, shops, and services are there?
  • What is the transit like here? The street configuration?
  • What do the parks and green spaces look like?
  • What are the priorities here?

Share your community vision for 2030 here!



Working Meeting #2: Housing

Hey! Thank you for your interest in participating in our online Working Meeting #2 Activities. We’re sorry you weren’t able to attend the second Working Meeting in person—and we still want your voice to be included in our process! The forms below give you the opportunity to participate in the activities that took place during the event. These include reviewing the data and progress presentation, analyzing information pulled on specific housing-related focus areas, and brainstorming strategies and goals. As mentioned above, we will also be doing this outreach on-the-ground in order to ensure we are capturing as many voices as possible, including those who may not have access to the internet. If you have ideas for places to do outreach or people to talk to, feel free to contact us here. Thanks for your participation!

Housing and Plan Progress Presentation

Click here to review the presentation we delivered on plan progress and housing-related information. The conversation on housing was organized into five focus areas

  • Existing Conditions and Market
  • Residential Stability
  • Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
  • Community Building
  • Tools and Partners

Below, you can review data and information related to each of these categories and participate by brainstorming goals and strategies to address community needs.

If you plan to participate and have not completed the anonymous demographics survey, please do so by clicking here. We are working hard to make sure this process is representative of the greater community, and this data helps us track our progress.

Existing Conditions and Market

The Existing Conditions and Market category includes topics such as Vacant and Abandoned Properties, Housing and Unit Typology, and Rents and Sale Prices.

Review Existing Conditions and Market information and participate online here.

Residential Stability

The Residential Stability category includes topics such as Supply and Affordability, Home Ownership and Rental Percentages, and Mobility and Transience

Review Residential Stability information and participate online here.

Landlord/Tenant Rights and Responsibilities

The Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities category includes topics such as Property Management, Tenant Rights and Responsibilities, and Fair Housing.

Review Landlord and Tenant Rights/Responsibilities information and participate online here.

Community Building

The Community Building category includes topics such as Marketing and Awareness, Design, Construction and Environment, and Community Participation.

Review Community Building information and participate online here.

Tools and Partners

The Existing Conditions and Market category includes topics such as Incentives and Financing and Organizations and Partners.

Review Tools and Partners information and participate online here.



Working Meeting #1: People

Hello! Thank you for your interest in participating in our online Working Meeting #1 Activities. We’re sorry you weren’t able to attend the first Working Meeting in person—and we still want your voice to be included in our process! The forms below give you the opportunity to participate in the activities that took place during the event. These include responding to the draft Vision Statement, analyzing data pulled on specific focus areas, and brainstorming strategies, goals and partners. As mentioned above, we will also be doing this outreach on-the-ground in order to ensure we are capturing as many voices as possible, including those who may not have access to the internet. If you have ideas for places to do outreach or people to talk to, feel free to contact us here. Thanks for your participation!


Gravois-Jefferson Historic Neighborhoods Planning Area

Draft Vision Statement

We introduced the draft Vision Statement that was developed with the Steering Committee, and sought feedback. Take a look at the statement and record your feedback here:

View and Respond to Draft Vision Statement

Focus Area: Health & Safety

We introduced the focus area of Health & Safety, the topic chosen as most important through early engagement. Click here to see the handout we shared, which includes a variety of data points on the topic.

We asked participants to join small groups and brainstorm strategies, goals and potential partners related to health and safety. You can study the data, and brainstorm ideas here:

Participate in Health & Safety Activity

Focus Area: Youth & Families

We introduced the focus area of Youth & Families, the topic chosen as second most important through early engagement. Click here to see the handout we shared, which includes a variety of data points on the topic.

We asked participants to join small groups and brainstorm strategies, goals and potential partners related to youth and families. You can study the data, and brainstorm ideas here:

Participate in Youth & Families Activity

Focus Area: Economic Development & Prosperity

We introduced the focus area of Economic Development & Prosperity, the topic chosen as third most important through early engagement. Click here to see the handout we shared, which includes a variety of data points on the topic.

We asked participants to join small groups and brainstorm strategies, goals and potential partners related to economic development and prosperity. You can study the data, and brainstorm ideas here:

Participate in Economic Development & Prosperity Activity

Other Seven Focus Areas

During the final portion of the meeting, we had people circulate around the room and participate in similar activities for the seven other focus areas. You can study the data, and brainstorm ideas, for each of these topics here:



Public Kick Off Meeting

Hello! Thank you for your interest in participating in our online Public Kick Off Activities. We’re sorry you weren’t able to attend the Kick Off event in person—and we still want your voice to be included in our process! The forms below give you the opportunity to participate in the activities that took place during the event. These include ranking planning focus areas; assessing strengths, challenges and opportunities; and digging into some data about the planning area. As mentioned above, we will also be doing this outreach on-the-ground in order to ensure we are capturing as many voices as possible, including those who may not have access to the internet. If you have ideas for places to do outreach or people to talk to, feel free to contact us here. Thanks for your participation!



Gravois-Jefferson Historic Neighborhoods Planning Area

Quick Pulse: Priority Ranking

From ten broad community level systems, rank what you believe to be the most important focus areas.


Community Strengths, Challenges and Opportunities

You can check out our interactive map, and add your take on community strengths, challenges and opportunities here.

If you would rather using a written form, these questions will help us start a brief overview of strengths, challenges and opportunities in the planning area:


Data Dig: Statistics and Questions

Take a look at some preliminary data about the planning area, and pitch your own questions about other information you would like to see.


All Three Activities

Want to do all three activities? You can use this consolidated form!